Latest Research Study on Extended Reality (xR) Flight Simulators Published

29th Sep 2022

Glen Ross, Project Manager – Virtual Reality Flight Training Project, from well known New Zealand based aviation focused – Massey University School of Aviation has published his latest research study entitled “Extended Reality (xR) flight simulators as an adjunct to traditional flight training methods”.

Said study aims, in pursuit of lowering the cost of flight training, to understand and investigate the efficiency of extended reality (xR) in place of traditional flight simulators and aircraft.

Abstract of the said study is shown below. You may check out the full paper here and/or you may contact the author Glen A. Ross via LinkedIn.

“Over the next 20 years, it is predicted that an additional 760,000 new pilots will be needed to meet the growing demands of the global aviation industry. With current training capability, this may be difficult to achieve. A potential means of improving the efficiency and lowering the cost of flight training is to use extended reality (xR) in place of traditional flight simulators and aircraft. Two studies are reported, each of which investigated the use of extended reality in flight training. First, a scoping review was conducted to synthesise existing studies. Second, two focus groups, involving 10 flight instructors, were conducted to gauge opinion toward the use of xR technology in flight training. Following synthesis and thematic analysis of the data sets, both studies revealed evidence that xR technology has the potential to be successfully employed in flight training, saving time and money, whilst also enabling increased training capability, although some potential limitations were identified. The interest in this technology, combined with evidence pointing to its potential usefulness in flight training suggests that further examination in this area by academia and industry is warranted.”

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