APS Upset Training CEO Named Chairman of NBAA Safety Committee
Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) announced that its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Paul BJ Ransbury, was named as Chairman of the NBAA Safety Committee yesterday at the National Business Aviation Association’s Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) in Orlando, Florida.
“As a long-standing member of the NBAA Safety Committee who has served in working group, team lead, and vice chairman leadership roles, the NBAA is pleased to announce Paul BJ Ransbury as chairman of the committee,” said Douglas Carr, Senior Vice President, Safety, Security, Sustainability & International Operations. “BJ’s vast experience and leadership roles in military, airline, and advanced flight training operations, combined with multi-decade experience as CEO at APS, ideally suit him to the chairmanship through 2024 of this critically-important committee dedicated to making business aviation safer.”
The NBAA Safety Committee serves the membership with strategic guidance and advice on matters relating to the safe operation of aircraft. The committee provides insight to the membership and board of directors by periodically identifying significant industry risks, and serves as a center of expertise on a wide range of relevant business aviation safety matters. The committee collaboratively leverages a multi-disciplinary team of passionate professionals to develop valued solutions that make business aviation even safer.
“I am deeply honored and privileged to chair this prestigious and safety-focused team of aviation champions.” says Paul BJ Ransbury, CEO at Aviation Performance Solutions, “The NBAA Safety Committee is comprised of 70+ leading experts and passionate safety practitioners dedicated to improving safety and saving lives across a wide spectrum of business aviation domains. Together, we look forward to selflessly and proactively serving the NBAA Board of Directors and the NBAA’s many thousands of members.”
About Aviation Performance Solutions
At APS, They Help Pilots Bring Everyone Home Safely. Their proven Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) system—delivered by elitely trained and qualified UPRT instructors in the industry—overcomes the #1 Fatal Threat of Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) and has saved 100s of lives. Our world class facilities are dedicated to optimizing the learning experience: APS provides transformational training customized to the needs of professional pilots. Perfected for over 25 years, their solutions for every fixed wing pilot maximize skills and abilities to bring everyone home safely…on every flight.
Source: APS Press Release
Photo Credit: APS
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