Aviation Performance Solutions is looking for an Advanced Flight Instructor – Arizona, US
Information sourced from Job Post;
“If you are reading this, you may be the type of pilot we are looking for. If you have what it takes, we offer unique flying opportunities instructing in a high-performance piston and jet aircraft, and advanced simulators in all-attitude, all-envelope maneuvering flight. Sound fun? It will be, and it will also be challenging. At APS, you know you are making a difference every day and literally saving lives.
Your skills are needed as an Advanced Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) Instructor Pilot flying the Extra 300L world-class unlimited category aerobatic airplane with options to advance to the S211 SIAI-Marchetti high-altitude, all-attitude sweptwing jet trainer. You will be delivering the world’s most advanced UPRT curriculum both on the ground and in the air to owner/operator, corporate, business, executive, government, military, and commercial pilots. All APS instructors are also qualified to teach APS UPRT programs in advanced simulators after approximately one year of seasoning as in-airplane Extra 300L UPRT instructors. Learn about APS at apstraining.com
Job Information
– Location: Mesa, Arizona at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport
– Salary and benefits are competitive.
– Minimal travel and a fixed schedule support a stable quality of life that’s often rare for highly accomplished professional pilots.
Put your full range of flying skills to use.
Required Expertise
– 1500 hours of total flight time
– Substantial all-attitude, all-envelope flight experience (500+ flight hours preferred). Examples: military flight instructor, tactical or fighter experience, aerobatics (competition/airshow), test pilot school graduate with spin testing experience.
– FAA Commercial Single-Engine Land (SEL) Pilot’s License
– FAA Certified Flight Instructor Rating (CFI)
Experience Advantages in the Selection Process
– Two years commercial and/or military experience flying crewed multi-engine turboprop and/or turbofan/turbojet is preferred.
– Two years of experience as a CFI and/or military flight instructor (200+ hours preferred) — Important Note: Although valuable, this does NOT need to be instructional experience teaching all-attitude maneuvering or aerobatics.
– 2000+ hour total flight time
– One or more type-ratings
Daily Duties
Deliver world-class UPRT ground and flight instruction in the high-performance, aerobatic capable airplanes. Flight profiles primarily include upset recovery and stall/spin training, with associated all-attitude aerobatic instruction.
If this position is not a fit for you, but you know someone else who is qualified and would enjoy this unique flying opportunity, please pass this information along. They will thank you for it!”
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