Aviation Training Group Alpha Aviation Group Philippines Shares Strategy Development Best Practices with City Officials

19th Jul 2023

AAG Philippines (AAGP) showcased its integrated strategy development and execution framework during the quick learning visit of Vice Mayor Jeffrey Ganzon (representing Mayor Jerry Treñas) and councilors of Iloilo City on 29 June 2023 facilitated by Clark Development Corporation.

Iloilo City is a 2009 awardee of the Palladium Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame for Executing Strategy. AAGP also shared its insights and the latest developments on various initiatives toward sustainability, particularly along the ESG framework (environmental, social, governance).

Along the environmental aspect, AAG currently implements a web-based learning management system and policies on the reduction of water, energy and paper consumptions. Future projects include a fuel management system which will facilitate a transition from low-lead to unleaded and eventually sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), aircraft re-fleeting (more efficient platforms including electric), utilization of solar energy, and adoption of electric vehicles (EV).

Social initiatives include AAG’s “Women in Aviation” campaign, “CAREs” program (community assistance and response), “Edu-Techno-Tourism” program, study-now-pay-later (SNPL) program, internship program, data privacy, IT security and redundancy, and policies covering anti-sexual harassment, anti-bribery, anti-conflict of interest, whistle-blowing, self-reporting, and disease prevention.

Governance mechanisms include ISO 9001 certification, adoption of the balanced scorecard (BSC) technology, corporate culture building (“AAG Family” campaign, employee code of conduct and core values nurturing program), CSR committee, third party supplier code of conduct, quality and safety policies, training value chain innovations, and adoption of an integrated training philosophy and support infrastructure aligned with the competency-based training and assessment (CBTA) approach.

Source: Alpha Aviation Group Philippines Press Release
Photo Credit: Alpha Aviation Group Philippines

Alpha Aviation Group Philippines - Pilot Training AFM.aero

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