Changes to 3rd Country Licensing Rules in the EU from June 2022

23rd May 2022

The Irish Aviation Authority released the following announcement:

“If you are resident in EU, from June 21 onwards you will need an EU licence to fly in the EU, regardless of whether the aircraft is registered in Union or not.

From midnight on 20th June 2022, an aircraft (under the scope of the EU Basic Regulation) either registered in the EU, or registered in a third country and operated by an aircraft operator established, residing or with a principal place of business in the EU, must be flown by a pilot holding an appropriate EU Part-FCL pilot licence or a temporary certificate of validation, issued in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/723.

Note that pilots holding a third-country pilot licence can continue to fly Irish-registered ‘Annex I’ aircraft (i.e. aircraft not within the scope of the EU Basic Regulation) under the existing provisions of Aeronautical Notice P.21 – view/download at Acceptance of Flight Crew Licences.”

Source: Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) Press Release

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