Defense Simulator Manufacturer Shares Achievement of Customer’s Center Device Availability

05th Feb 2023

Thales published its reflection on supporting the United Kingdom Royal Air Force in 2022. Among the key highlights in the report is the training device availablity of the facility built together with AMST. An excerpt from the release states:

“Last year was a typically busy year at the Thales High-G Training and Test Capability facility at RAF Cranwell. Designed and built by Thales in partnership with Austrian firm AMST, the RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine (RAFCAM) uses the facility to train fast-jet pilots in the Royal Navy and RAF to recognise the effects of G-force, develop awareness of it, and learn the physical techniques to counter its effects during combat missions. The facility is also used to trial and test new equipment for use on fast-jet aircraft and by pilots. The High-G facility is an excellent example of whole-force integration and how industry, the UK MOD, and the RAF work together to successfully provide state-of-the-art training that helps save the lives of fast-jet pilots.

Availability of the High-G facility has always been the main performance measure, so we’re delighted to report we achieved 100% availability in 2022. Pilot feedback, gathered by RAFCAM, rated our training and services as either ‘Excellent’ (93%) or ‘Good’ (7%) and included numerous positive comments. On the 9th November, the facility passed a significant milestone by spinning its 2000th subject. In 2023, we’ll be looking to send many more pilots from 0-9G in one second!”

Source: Thales
Photo Credit: Thales (shown as meta image)

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