Erin Lear launches Birde Academy, an all-electric flight school for women

10th Jul 2021

The granddaughther of (William) Bill Lear, founder of the Lear Jet Corporation and inventor of the 8-track tape and the Motorola, Erin Lear is launching Birde Academy, an all-electric flight school for women which is the first of its kind.

The flight school is based in California and will be utilizing all-electric airplanes and will focus on training female aspiring pilots. Nevertheless, Birde Academy is definitely open to men.

Erin Lear has plans to purchase four (4) two-seat, all-electric eFlyer 2 aircraft designed by Bye Aerospace once available. According to Bye Aerospace, eFlyer 2™ was the world’s first FAA 14 CFR Part 23-Type Amendment 64-Certified Applicant for a “Normal Category” Electric Aircraft, (FAA application filed April 13, 2018). The aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft is over twice that of a typical legacy aircraft of similar size and has high overall propulsive system efficiency with high motor efficiency with low cooling drag.

For more information, kindly contact Birde Academy.

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