Flight School Management Software, Flight Schedule Pro, CEO Visits Airline Owned Pilot Training Organisation

28th Feb 2024

Nick Wegner, CEO of Flight Schedule Pro, a leading provider of cloud-based business management software for flight schools, universities, flying clubs, and other aviation operations expressed his enthusiasm after spending a day at US regional airline owned flight training organisation LIFT Academy.

“Thrilled to spend the day at Lift Academy! It was incredible to see firsthand how they’re nurturing the next generation of pilots through innovative training programs and state-of-the-art facilities. We’re honored to be part of your story and excited to help fuel your unprecedented growth. Can’t wait to see the amazing journeys these future pilots will embark on!”

Ed Bagden, Director of Operations and Academic Programs of LIFT Academy provided the tour of Republic Airways’ new flight training center to Mr Wegner.

Source: Nick Wegner (Flight Schedule Pro)
Photo Credit: Nick Wegner

LIFT Academy - Pilot Training AFM.aero

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