Flight Simulation Software Provider ProSim Training Solutions Announces Upcoming Release of iOS Version of FMS Trainer
Netherlands headquartered ProSim Training Solutions, which recently showcased its Virtual Instructor Extended Reality (ViXR), announcing the upcoming release of the Apple iPad iOS version of their ProSim FMS Trainer. This new version will be a FMS Trainer available on Apple iOS that features full free play, an aircraft performance model, and a NavDatabase with a 28-day update cycle per AIRAC standard, making it an ideal tool for airlines requiring real-world functionality.
Key features of the ProSim FMS Trainer include:
1. Lufthansa Systems LIDO Sky Data Database
2. TOGA Function (B738 and B38M)
3. Combo Tab
4. ND Tab
5. Radio Tab
6. ENG TFR Tab
7. Flight Controls Menu
8. MCP View Tab
9. Simulation Functions
10. Snapshot Tab
11. Audio Selector
12. Setup Menu
13. Portrait Mode
Source: ProSim Training Solutions
Photo Credit: ProSim Training Solutions
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