Flight Training Group, Aelo Swiss Academy, Holds Open Day in May 2024 Welcoming Aspiring Pilots from Across Europe

15th May 2024

Flight training facilitator and advisory firm Ordovás & Partners Head of Sales, Ryan Stock, led an insightful session at the AELO Swiss Academy open day in Locarno, Switzerland. “Ryan, a seasoned Ryanair First Officer, shared invaluable insights on Swiss’ high-performance aviation academy, current aviation trends, and opportunities for aspiring airline pilots. Visitors from across Europe engaged in lively discussions and had their questions answered.” shared Jaime Ordovas Ainscough from Ordovás & Partners.

In April 2024 Neos Airlines, a prominent Italian airline renowned for its scheduled and charter services, inked a groundbreaking agreement with AELO Swiss Academy, a high-performance aviation academy based in Switzerland. The agreement offers a hiring pipeline for top graduates of AELO’s rigorous pilot training programs, specifically targeting First Officer positions within the airline.

Ordovás & Partner helps flight schools grow more efficiently, providing tailor-made business development outsourcing services along the entire sales cycle on a global scale.

Source: Jaime Ordovás (Ordovás & Partners)
Photo Credit: Jaime Ordovás (Ordovás & Partners)

Ordovás & Partners - AELO Swiss Academy - Pilot Training AFM.aero

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