Florida, US Flight School Announces New Scholarship Opportunity for Peruvian Pilots

05th Sep 2022

SIPLAP the LATAM Peruvian Pilot’s Union has created a scholarship opportunity for students attending Wayman Aviation Academy.

SIPLAP, the Sindicato de Pilotos de LATAM Peru or LATAM Pilot’s Union in Peru has created a scholarship opportunity for family members to study in the USA. The airline’s numbers are growing and the organization in partnership with Wayman Aviation Academy finds that flight training in the USA is a fast, economic, and viable option for aspiring aviators to join the airline.

SIPLAP will have $3,000 worth of scholarships to offer student candidates. This will help cover enrollment fees associated with student visas. Students will have to receive a letter of recommendation from a SIPLAP member and be selected by the board. This scholarship will renew every year.

LATAM is the premier airline operating in Peru with over 500 pilots. As an international carrier it is important that all pilot-applicants speak excellent english. Training in the USA guarantees this along with the varied experience of flying in Florida USA. The FAA pilot certificate is the one of the most widely recognized pilot credentials. It can be converted to the Peruvian commercial pilot certificate with ease.

Wayman Aviation Academy has trained many LATAM captains over the last 35 years. Wayman Alumni serve in the cockpit, the training department and throughout the airline.


SIPLAP is the LATAM Peru Pilots’ Union is a non-profit association that promotes and defends the rights of its members in relation to their work activities and aviation dynamism, always maintaining a criterion of equity and justice. 

About Wayman Aviation

Wayman Aviation Academy is the largest and longest running Ab Initio flight school in South Florida. They are celebrating 34 years of launching pilot careers into the skies above Miami. The school focuses on initial training through commercial flight training in preparation for airline careers. They have 6 airline partners including SkyWest and Republic Airways which fly for American Airlines, United, and Delta. Wayman is approved for international students’ visas. It operates a fleet of 40+ aircraft at Hollywood North Perry Airport (KHWO) between Miami, FL USA and Ft Lauderdale. Wayman Aviation partners with Miami-Dade College, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and Liberty University for degree programs.

Source: Wayman Aviation Academy Press Release

Photo Credit: Wayman Aviation Academy

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