Global Operator of Full Flight Simulator Training Centers, Simaero, Becomes a Partner of Fondation France-Asie

10th Oct 2023

Simaero has recently become a partner of Fondation France-Asie. With Simaero’s presence spanning France, China, and now India, becoming a partner of Fondation France-Asie, encompassing both the France China Foundation and France India Foundation, was a natural choice.

Fondation France-Asie aims to strengthen Franco-Asian ties by facilitating interactions among French and Asian companies, entrepreneurs, researchers, and thought leaders from diverse backgrounds. The foundation’s initiatives foster meaningful connections and facilitate dialogue to bridge the gap between France and Asian nations.

Simaero is fully committed to supporting all of Fondation France-Asie’s forthcoming initiatives, including Franco-Asian dialogues and the Young Leaders Programmes. The latter unites promising talents hailing from France, China, and India, to foster knowledge exchange, innovative business partnerships, and nurture deeper amicable bonds between France and Asia.

“We are thrilled to embark on this journey with Fondation France-Asie, contributing to the vibrant future of Franco-Asian relations,” said Simaero.

AFM team note – you can find more developments from SIMAERO here.

Source: Simaero
Photo Credit: Simaero (shown as meta image)

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