Global Pilot Simulator Training Center Group SIMAERO Doubles its Capacity in Paris with Additional 8 Bay Extension

15th Jun 2023

Simaero, a leading actor in aviation training worldwide, announces the expansion of its Paris Training Center capacity by adding eight new full-flight simulator (FFS) bays. Starting in late 2024, the company will offer new pilot training solutions on widely-used aircraft types such as A350, A320, and B737 Max.

Eight new bays increasing Simaero’s training capacity in Paris

Simaero already offers its clients a network of 30 Full-Flight Simulators worldwide, including 18 FFS in France.

“In Paris, we already offer training solutions on A320, A330-340, A350, B737 Classic, B737 NG, B757-767, B777, B787, ATR-500, and ATR-600, but requests are increasing on our current fleet and other aircraft types. By doubling our training capacity, we can secure our customers’ future needs, and mostly, we position Paris as a long-term strategic location for pilot training worldwide,” explains Nicolas Mouté, CEO of Simaero.

To fill the new eight Full-Flight Simulator bays, the group has already announced the order of a brand-new CAE 7000XR A350-900 FFS. Simaero is also considering ordering A320 neo, B737 Max, and Boeing B787 Full-Flight Simulators.

The company plans to invest up to €100 million within the next few years and create over 50 direct and indirect job opportunities in the Paris CDG area.

A new strategically located facility, meeting the highest environmental standards

Conveniently located only 10 minutes from Paris Charles-de-Gaulle international airport’s terminals and with a large choice of partner hotels and other facilities, the new center will incorporate 8 FFS bays, training classrooms, rest and dedicated areas for customers, and new offices for the growing Simaero staff.

“The facility has been designed to meet the latest quality and environmental standards. Only high-quality and recycled construction materials will be used for the building and roads, and high-performance photovoltaic panels will be installed on the roof to minimize the carbon footprint during construction and operations,” says Tanguy Tostivint, General Manager of Simaero France.

This project will adopt the ISO 14 001 standards, and the building will be certified Haute Qualité Environnementale (HQE), the highest French environmental standard for commercial buildings.This new facility is planned to be fully operational by the end of 2024 and will be open 24/7, 364 days per year.


Simaero is a leading player in Full Flight Simulators operations and Pilot Training worldwide. Headquartered in Paris, France, Simaero gives its 250 customers access to over 30 Full Flight Simulators in its five locations in Paris CDG and Dinard, France; Johannesburg, South Africa; Delhi, India and Zhengzhou, China. Simaero is an Approved Training Organization for pilots, certified by EASA and more than 40 other civil aviation authorities, including South Africa, Saudi Arabia, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Brazil, Senegal, Ivory Coast, and UAE. Its academy offers a complete set of Type Rating training solutions covering a comprehensive range of aircraft types, including Airbus A320, A330, A340, and A350; Boeing 737, B757, B767, B777, B787; ATR 42/72-500/600, ERJ 145, Beech 1900, Dash 8, MD80/82, and Fokker 100. Simaero also provides Simulator Engineering Services to numerous customers across the world. The service includes simulator relocation, repair, upgrade, and preparation for certification and operation. In Joint Venture with HNCA, Simaero provides simulator engineering and maintenance services in China.

Source: SIMAERO Press Release
Photo Credit: CAE (shown as meta image)

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