Global Pilot Training Group, AeroGuard Flight Training Center, Receives R-ATP Approval for their Partnership Program with US University

24th Mar 2023

Phoenix, Arizona headquartered global flight training group AeroGuard Flight Training Center and Arizona State University this week received FAA-Approval for the 1000 Hour Restricted ATP for students completing IR and CPL within the degree at AeroGuard and graduating from ASU with a B.S. in Aeronautical Management Technology (Professional Flight).

The new partnership between AeroGuard and ASU was announced in December, and students in other stages of training had already started their flight training with AeroGuard. However, students in Instrument or Commercial training were on hold for this FAA Approval to keep their R-TP status. Following this approval, the remaining students have begun Instrument training this week.

The Arizona State University degree had previously been approved for the R-ATP, and the AeroGuard courses have all previously been 141-Approved, this FAA-Approval was to combine the two, adding AeroGuard as a flight training provider for Arizona State University, per the December 2022 announcement.

Source: AeroGuard Flight Training Center Press Release
Photo Credit: AeroGuard Flight Training Center (shown as meta image)

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