Global Pilot Training Group, BAA Training, Shares Findings on Aspiring Pilot Search Behavior in Europe

17th Apr 2024

Global pilot training group BAA Training analyzed the search behavior of aspiring pilots on Google across 27 European countries plus the United Kingdom to determine where there is a higher inclination to seek information related to pilot training.

Summary of Findings

  • Individuals in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Poland search for pilot training-related content on Google more often than individuals in other countries.
  • The highest number of average monthly searches on Google was recorded in the UK – 23730, and the lowest was recorded in Latvia – 160.
  • When countries’ population sizes are considered when making calculations, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, and the UK are the top countries demonstrating interest in pilot training.
  • Although interest in pilot training per capita ranks highest in Croatia, Denmark, and Finland, these countries have only 10, 28, and 14 ATOs, respectively. In contrast, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain have over 100 each, with the UK having the highest number at 229.
  • Over the last three months, there have been considerable jumps in searches for pilot training-related information in various EU countries, especially noticeable in the Czech Republic, Belgium, and Slovakia.
  • A positive correlation between interest in pilot training per capita and GDP per capita has been observed in some countries, such as Austria, the Netherlands, Hungary, Latvia, and Bulgaria, among others. Croatia and the UK, on the other hand, are ideal examples of a negative correlation.

To gain more insights into this research check out the BAA Training website.

Source: BAA Training
Photo Credit: BAA Training

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