Global Pilot Training Group CAE is Looking For Chief Flying Instructor (EASA and UK CAA) for its Ab Initio Training Programs

09th Apr 2024

Global pilot training solution provider CAE is currently seeking a Chief Flying Instructor (CFI) for its Ab Initio training programs, specifically targeting candidates with expertise in EASA, UK CAA, and Qatar regulatory standards.

“We are looking for a Chief Flying Instructor (EASA & CAA) to join the team and have responsibility for the supervision of the ATO standardization plan to ensure all training is correctly standardized in accordance with CAE policies and procedures and the applicable NAA regulations and in the case of the EASA and Qatar, specifically ORA.ATO.201(b) PART-FCL, ORA.ATO.201(b) UK-FCL and (Qatar) ORA.ATO.210(b) respectively, and ensuring all pilot training activities are delivered to the required standards as defined by the CAE ATO Standards Committee. This involves oversight of:

Instructor Initial / Recurrent / Renewal Training

The CFI ensures both the quality and compliance of instructor training from the instructor training courses to the train the trainer courses and supporting courseware, to ensure CAE instructor training adapts to meet the highest achievable standards.

Instructor Selection

The CFI in conjunction with the Training Performance team defines instructor recruitment processes for the CAE Global Training Centre network to ensure CAE selects the best candidates with both the required technical and non-technical qualities to be a CAE instructor.

Instructor Performance and Monitoring

The CFI is responsible for ensuring line instructors are training to the required standard, and ensuring recurrent and remedial training is targeted to maintain the highest achievable standards.”

Candidates must possess an EASA & UK CAA ATPL license, SFI/MPL-I privileges, and meet minimum flight hour requirements outlined in relevant regulations and CAE policies. Extensive experience in Ab Initio cadet training and managerial roles within an ATO or AOC setting is essential.

For more information and to apply, visit this link.

Source: CAE
Photo Credit: CAE (shown as meta image)

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