Global Simulator Training Group Increases Market Understanding and International Outreach with AFM

28th Jul 2022

Australian headquartered Simulator Training Group Ansett Aviation Training which operates pilot simulator training center’s in Australia, Taiwan and Italy has signed up with AFM to gain access to AFM’s Pilot Training Industry Market Intelligence platform as well as advertise its Airbus A320, Boeing B737NG and ATR simulators in Taiwan and Milan, Italy which are available for dry and wet lease.

Ansett Aviation Training’s Simulator Training Center in Italy

Ansett Aviation Italia is based at Malpensa Airport in Milan Italy and provides aviation pilot training to pilot professionals from all over the world. Ansett Aviation Italia offers a complete suite of training solutions to provide licenced pilots with approved aircraft Type Ratings, Recurrency/Refresher training programs and other operations related training courses.

Ansett Aviation Italia operates from a world class, “state-of-the-art” training facility incorporating briefing rooms, classrooms, computer-based training systems, procedural trainers and technologically advanced certified Full Flight Simulators proximate to Terminal 2, Milan-Malpensa Airport. The facility was opened in December 2017.

All Full Flight Simulators in the Ansett Aviation Italia centre are EASA (ENAC) certified devices and training will be provided through the EASA (ENAC) approved ATO.

The training centers has the following simulators;

  • Airbus A320
  • Boeing B737-800W
  • BAE 146- Avro rj
  • Bombardier CL-415

Ansett Aviation’ Simulator Training Center in Taiwan

Ansett Aviation Asia is located just under 10 minutes’ drive from Taoyuan International Airport in Taiwan. The simulator training facility is a aviation training centre created to support pilot and cabin crew training for Regional Asian Airlines. The facility has the capacity to house 5 Full Flight level D simulators plus a number of Flight Training Devices and a Cabin Crew Evacuation Trainer. In addition, the training centre incorporates briefing rooms, classrooms and a communal lounge cafeteria. Apartment accommodation only one minutes’ walk from the centre, is available for pilots training at the centre.

The training centers has the following simulators;

  • Airbus A320
  • ATR-600

To receive more information about Ansett Aviation’s Training Centers and its offering kindly contact us.

About AFM
AFM is a market intelligence platform and advisory firm focused on the pilot training sector. Its market intelligence platform covers over 250 relevant pilot training industry every month and has a weekly following of over 9,000 individuals and organisations from the aviation industry. AFM has an industry leading pilot training organisation database and network reach to support stakeholders in understanding the global pilot training infrastructure and assist stakeholders in reaching a larger audience. To learn more about AFM kindly contact them.

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