Greek Flight School Skies Aviation Academy Offers 50% Scholarship to a Woman Interested to Join its EASA ATPL Integrated Course in October 2024

15th Jul 2024

Skies Aviation Academy, a flight school based in Peraia, Greece has announced a special offer to encourage all women who may be hesitant about pursuing a career in aviation to follow their dreams; giving away a scholarship of 50% to one woman interested in her EASA ATPL Integrated Course which would start in October 2024.

The winner will be the one that achieves TOP performance at the academy’s online assessment created specifically for this reason, including the following tests:

  1. Cognitive Reasoning: assesses general mental agility.
  2. FAST: designed to test physical and cognitive skills in a multi-tasking environment.
  3. Progressive Maths: assesses an individual’s maths knowledge and ability as opposed to numerical reasoning
  4. Progressive Physics: is used to test an individual’s physics knowledge and application.

*All participants must also be able to obtain a Medical Class 1 Certificate.

Source: Skies Aviation Academy
Photo Credit: Skies Aviation Academy

Skies Aviation Academy - Pilot Training

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