Indian Airline Records Over 1,700 Pilot Applications in the Last Two Months
Air India, India’s leading airline, revealed an unprecedented level of interest in its talent augmentation programme, which forms a key pillar of its five-year transformation roadmap, Vihaan.AI.
The airline’s aggressive expansion plan, which has already seen 17 long-grounded aircraft return to the skies with 12 more to follow, and the lease-in of 30 narrow- and wide-body aircraft over the next 12 months, also necessitates a significant expansion in flying crew. The first phase of this initiative to augment talent has received an overwhelming response Over 1,752 applications for pilots and 72,000 applications for cabin crew have been received in the last two months, which are in the process of assessment.
Source: Excerpts from Air India Press Release
Photo Credit: Air India
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