India’s flag carrier’s Air India Training Academy, the 600,000 square foot campus in Gurugram which will become one of the largest aviation training institutions in South East Asia, has held the Ground School Completion Ceremony for its second batch of Air India Cadet Program Pilots.
“We are pleased to announce the Ground School Completion Ceremony for Batch 02 of the Air India Cadet Pilot Program, organised by on 9th October at the Air India Training Academy. Our inspiring leaders – Capt. Manish Vasavada, Capt. Vikram Dayal and Capt. Harish Lamba graced the event and congratulated all our cadets on their milestone moment.
After completing four months of rigorous training, our cadets are now set to embark on the next exciting phase at AeroGuard Flight Training Center and L3Harris Flight Academy in the United States for their flight training.
Wishing them continued success as they prepare to soar higher and take the next step in their aviation careers!” shared Air India Training Academy.
Source: Air India Training Academy
Photo Credit: Air India Training Academy