Another Avion Flight Training Centre is set to launch in Mumbai, India. The full flight simulator training centre is in the final stages of completion, Manoj Pandey, Group CEO of Avion & Gen24 told Indian media in an interview. According to Pandey, the first full flight simulator havs already arrived while another is en route.
The first A320 full flight simulator is expected to be operational during the first quarter of 2024 and the second in the second quarter of the same year.
“Our flight training centre in London, UK has set a precedence, and we’re excited to replicate and adapt this success to the unique needs of the Indian aviation sector,” said Pandey.
In February 2023, Gen24 has entered into an agreement with Avion to supply eight Airbus A320 Full Flight Simulators. The agreement followed the announcement of the acquisition of Avion Group and Avion Simulators in the Netherlands by the Gen24 Group of India.
Source: Excerpts from Aviation World
Photo Credit: Gen24