Philippines Flight Training Group Announces that Another 13 Cadets Successfully Complete First Solo Flights

Thirteen (13) Alpha Aviation Group (AAG) cadet pilots ascended to new heights as they earned their wings and additional stripes on their epaulets last 21 July 2023, after successfully completing their first solo flights.

Capt. Joseph David, AAG International Center for Aviation Training (AICAT) Chief Flight Instructor, and Capt. Christian Louis Cabatic, AICAT Chief Ground Instructor, addressed the cadets and their families, underscoring the value of a two-pronged support mechanism co-owned by trainors and parents to ensure success in pilot training.

In his congratulatory message, Capt. Gaudencio Maniano, AICAT Accountable Manager, lauded the cadets for their perseverance, determination, and unwavering commitment to achieving their dreams.

Cadet Leif Wayne Young, Airline Pilot Program 02-2023 Batch Representative, provided a glimpse of their experience on training. “We have definitely come a long way, filled with many ups and downs, but I am proud to say that we have all made it. Much like an airplane, we take off against the wind. Against the hardships, challenges, or obstacles that have come our way, we were able to rise above and take to the skies,” he shared.

The highlight of the event was the pinning of wings and changing of epaulets facilitated by Capt. Maniano, Capt. David and Capt. Cabatic accompanied by the families and loved ones of the cadets.

Source: AAG Philippines Press Release
Photo Credit: AAG Philippines

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Alpha Aviation Group Philippines Holds Airline Pilot Career Orientation in Manila

Forty-nine (49) aspiring commercial airline pilots and parents attended the Airline Pilot Career Orientation (APCO) Manila leg last 15 July 2023. The APCO is one of Alpha Aviation Group’s (AAG) corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate affairs, and thought leadership initiatives aimed at supporting individuals in their pursuit of becoming world-class pilots and aviation leaders.

Capt. Vicente Casibang II, AAG Philippines Accountable Manager, welcomed the attendees with enthusiasm, setting the stage for an event filled with possibilities and aspirations in aviation. He passionately shared the multitude of opportunities that await aspiring pilots, urging them to pursue their dreams fearlessly.

Capt. Anthony Tan, AAGP Head of Training, also graced the event and took the stage to recount his remarkable journey in the aviation industry. From his ten-year stint as a flight attendant to his successful pilot career spanning more than two decades, Capt. Tan’s inspiring story served as a testament to the endless possibilities that await aspiring pilots, underscoring the significance of perseverance and determination in taking that first step in their journey towards one’s dreams.

FO Chuck Evan Concepcion, a graduate of AAG’s First Officer Transition or FOT Program, and Cadet Jose Miguel Lising, belonging to AAG’s Airline Pilot Program or APP 03-2022, also shared their stories of perseverance and determination in pursuing their aviation career aspirations. FO Concepcion related how AAG played a crucial role in furthering his dream of becoming an airline pilot, inspiring the audience to take flight towards their own goals with unwavering dedication. Meanwhile, Cadet Lising shared his experience initially from a position of uncertainty in choosing a career path, to eventually discovering his passion for aviation, emphasizing that it’s never too late to pursue one’s pilot dreams. He highlighted the importance of right timing and patience as key factors in achieving one’s aspirations.

A survey conducted during the APCO showed that 39 out of 49 pilot aspirants expressed their strong interest in enrolling in AAG’s APP. The poll also revealed the top five (5) considerations of aspirants in selecting a pilot school:

  1. Technology (e.g. standard/quality of aircraft, simulators, classrooms, instructional equipment, other amenities)
  2. Price/cost of training
  3. Influence in the industry (e.g. partnership and network with airlines and other industry players)
  4. Reputation in the industry (both of the company and its management and training teams)
  5. Safety record (history of incidents/accidents)

In his closing remarks, Capt. Gaudencio Maniano, AAG International Center for Aviation Training or AICAT Accountable Manager, further inspired the attendees with his story of passion for aviation and perseverance in chasing one’s dream.

The APCO also featured in-depth discussions on various topics including an industry overview by Mr. Paulo Mallari, AAGP Marketing & Sales Executive; pilot aptitude and cadet assessment process by Ms. Shiela May Castor, AAGP Student Affairs Technical Officer; partnership between AAG and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) in delivering the Graduate Certificate in Aviation-Asia Focus by Capt. Christian Louis Cabatic, AICAT Chief Ground Instructor and AAGP’s Study-Now- Pay-Later (SNPL) Programs in partnership with BDO and Air Cavaliers Credit Cooperative (ACCC). Cheerfully walking the participants through the discussions and the exciting quiz games in between was FOT Trainee Gen Ghis Chan acting as master of ceremonies.

Source: Alpha Aviation Group Press Release
Photo Credit: Alpha Aviation Group

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Philippines’ Largest Pilot Training Group Inducts 9 New Cadets

Clark, Philippines based aviation and pilot training group Alpha Aviation Group Philippines has shared that seven (7) more cadets were inducted to Alpha Aviation Group’s (AAG) Airline Pilot Program (APP) on 18 July 2023. Along with this newest intake for the year, AAG also formally welcomed two (2) other cadets who will undergo PPL and CPL-IR, respectively.

In his opening remarks, Capt. Vicente Casibang II, AAGP Accountable Manager, highlighted the importance of attitude, discipline and dedication during the training. “Your journey will be filled with challenges, but rest assured you are not alone. Our dedicated team and experienced instructors will be by your side, guiding and supporting you all the way,” he added.

Meanwhile, Capt. Gaudencio Maniano, AICAT Accountable Manager, re-assured the cadets and their parents of AAG’s solid commitment to provide the cadets with a pilot training solution that will make them globally competitive.

“Treat AAG as your second home, a home you can depend on, a home where support is constant throughout your journey,” also shared Paulo Mallari, Marketing & Sales Executive, in his welcome statement.

Also gracing the induction ceremony were Cristopher Magdangal, AAG Group COO; Capt. Anthony Tan, AAGP Head of Training; Ms. Ma. Rufina Santos, AAG Head of Student Affairs and Client Relations; and instructors from the ground and basic flights schools.

Source: Alpha Aviation Group Press Release
Photo Credit: Alpha Aviation Group

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Aviation Training Group Alpha Aviation Group Philippines Shares Strategy Development Best Practices with City Officials

AAG Philippines (AAGP) showcased its integrated strategy development and execution framework during the quick learning visit of Vice Mayor Jeffrey Ganzon (representing Mayor Jerry Treñas) and councilors of Iloilo City on 29 June 2023 facilitated by Clark Development Corporation.

Iloilo City is a 2009 awardee of the Palladium Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame for Executing Strategy. AAGP also shared its insights and the latest developments on various initiatives toward sustainability, particularly along the ESG framework (environmental, social, governance).

Along the environmental aspect, AAG currently implements a web-based learning management system and policies on the reduction of water, energy and paper consumptions. Future projects include a fuel management system which will facilitate a transition from low-lead to unleaded and eventually sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), aircraft re-fleeting (more efficient platforms including electric), utilization of solar energy, and adoption of electric vehicles (EV).

Social initiatives include AAG’s “Women in Aviation” campaign, “CAREs” program (community assistance and response), “Edu-Techno-Tourism” program, study-now-pay-later (SNPL) program, internship program, data privacy, IT security and redundancy, and policies covering anti-sexual harassment, anti-bribery, anti-conflict of interest, whistle-blowing, self-reporting, and disease prevention.

Governance mechanisms include ISO 9001 certification, adoption of the balanced scorecard (BSC) technology, corporate culture building (“AAG Family” campaign, employee code of conduct and core values nurturing program), CSR committee, third party supplier code of conduct, quality and safety policies, training value chain innovations, and adoption of an integrated training philosophy and support infrastructure aligned with the competency-based training and assessment (CBTA) approach.

Source: Alpha Aviation Group Philippines Press Release
Photo Credit: Alpha Aviation Group Philippines

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Alpha Aviation Group Tackles Sustainability in Aviation Training at Human Factors Symposium 2023

Global pilot training group Alpha Aviation Group (AAG) participated in the Human Factors Symposium 2023 which took place in Salzburg, Austria from 26-29 June. Organized by AMST-Systemtechnik, the event gathered around a hundred experts and stakeholders from 23 countries, along with 25 speakers who discussed a wide array of topics around human factors, aerospace medicine, flight simulation and training.

In an online presentation delivered live from the AAG Philippines (AAGP) Simulation Training Center in Clark, Col. Ruel Rombaoa (Ret.) (AAGP Head of Marketing & Sales) shared AAG’s insights and the latest developments on various initiatives toward sustainability, particularly along the ESG framework (environmental, social, governance). He also outlined AAG’s perspective on some emerging or potential challenges ATOs may face as the aviation industry steadily transitions to a greener future.

Along the environmental aspect, AAG currently implements a web-based learning management system and policies on the reduction of water, energy and paper consumptions. Future projects include a fuel management system which will facilitate a transition from low-lead to unleaded and eventually sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), aircraft re-fleeting (more efficient platforms including electric), utilization of solar energy, and adoption of electric vehicles (EV).

Social initiatives include AAG’s “Women in Aviation” campaign, “CAREs” program (community assistance and response), “Edu-Techno-Tourism” program, study-now-pay-later (SNPL) program, internship program, data privacy, IT security and redundancy, and policies covering anti-sexual harassment, anti-bribery, anti-conflict of interest, whistle-blowing, self-reporting, and disease prevention.

Governance mechanisms include ISO 9001 certification, adoption of the balanced scorecard (BSC) technology, corporate culture building (“AAG Family” campaign, employee code of conduct and core values nurturing program), CSR committee, third party supplier code of conduct, quality and safety policies, training value chain innovations, and adoption of an integrated training philosophy and support infrastructure aligned with the competency-based training and assessment (CBTA) approach.

Source: Alpha Aviation Group Press Release
Photo Credit: Alpha Aviation Group

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Vietnamese Pilot Simulator Training Center Welcomes 6 Cadets for Type Rating Under the Indian DGCA Program

Ho Chi Minh City based full flight simulator training center BAA Training Vietnam welcomed the latest batch of 4 cadets conducting their Type Rating A320 (batch 18th) and 2 cadets Renewal A320 under Indian DGCA Program. BAA Training Vietnam is a branch of BAA Training – one of the top 3 biggest independent aviation training centers in Europe, which has been providing global aviation community with a full scope of aviation training solutions for 20 years now.

Source: Steven Huang (BAA Training Vietnam)
Photo Credit: Steven Huang (BAA Training Vietnam)

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ASEAN Veterans Visit Philippines based Aviation Training Group Alpha Aviation Group Philippines

Forty (40) delegates and 20 support staff representing 10 countries from the Veterans Confederation of ASEAN Countries (VECONAC) and the Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP) visited AAG Philippines last 10 July 2023 as part of AAG’s Edu-Techno-Tourism Program.

The visit coincided with VECONAC’s 4th Working Committee Meeting leading to the general assembly which the VFP will host in Clark in November this year. The guests were toured around the AAGP Simulator Training Center and provided with simulator discovery flights. They were also treated to a fellowship dinner showcasing a special performance by the Holy Angel University String Ensemble and an open-mic courtesy of the Spider Band of the 600th Air Base Group, Philippine Air Force.

Heading the delegation were MGen Romeo Alamillo AFP (Ret.) (EVP, Veterans Federation of the Philippines) and LtCol Hassachai Iamlor (Asst. Director General, War Veterans Organization of Thailand Representative) representing the past host country. MGen Alamillo and LtCol Iamlor in their remarks acknowledged AAG’s support and underscored the invaluable contributions of veterans and the importance of fostering international cooperation among the ASEAN.

Capt. Vicente Casibang II (AAGP Accountable Manager) and Capt. Napoleon Garcia (AICAT-AMO Accountable Manager) in their welcome and closing remarks expressed AAG’s sincere gratitude to the delegates, commended their role in promoting and furthering nation-building efforts in their respective countries and in the region, and emphasized AAG’s commitment to support the growing aviation training requirements in Southeast Asia and Asia Pacific.

Source: Alpha Aviation Group Philippines Press Release
Photo Credit: Alpha Aviation Group Philippines

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