Online Pilot Training Solutions Provider, Avsoft, Creates Dash 8-200 Course for Air Greenland

14th Sep 2023

Avsoft has created a Dash 8-200 aircraft systems online aviation course for valued customer Air Greenland. Avsoft worked in collaboration with Air Greenland’s pilot training department using Envision, Avsoft’s proprietary content authoring tool to create the custom aircraft systems course, which will provide both initial and recurrent training delivered through Avsoft’s LMS.

Envision is a database-driven application that includes all steps of the online course building process, except for the creation of graphics, which is handled by Avsoft’s Technical Illustrators. Using Envision, Air Greenland was able to write narrations, proof graphics, add notes for team members, and proof questions. As for the narration audio, Envision incorporates automated text-to-speech (TTS) software that uses Amazon Polly and IBM Watson neural voices.

Once all the course content was approved by Air Greenland, Avsoft assembled and published the Dash 8-200 aircraft systems course, which is now being used by Air Greenland pilots via Avsoft’s LMS. Any future changes, such as corrections or updates, will be handled quickly using Envision.

Jakob Blaabjerg Knudsen, Air Greenland Project Development Partner said: “I would like to thank Avsoft for its professional attitude and tireless effort to help us make a customized product that will increase our collective systems knowledge level both in the short as well as in the long run. The feedback from our end users has been nothing but great so far. The Envision development interface is user-friendly and it is easy to communicate change requests, that are promptly implemented.”

Source: Avsoft
Photo Credit: Avsoft

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