Philippines Based Pilot Training Organization, Alpha Aviation Group, Inducts 12 Cadets into its Pilot Training Programs in January 2024

23rd Jan 2024

Eight (8) new cadets were inducted to Clark, Philippines based aviation and pilot training group’s Alpha Aviation Group’s (AAG’s) Airline Pilot Program (APP) on 16 January 2024, marking the 1st intake for this year and the 73rd since the launch of this flagship training program in 2011. Also joining the batch are three (3) cadets who will undergo the First Officer Preparation (FOP) Program, and a notable joiner from APP Batch 01-2020.

In his welcome remarks, Capt. Vicente Casibang II (AAG Philippines Accountable Manager) highlighted the vibrant spirit of ambition and dreams taking flight as the cadets begin their aviation journey. “Remember, the journey to a thousand destinations begins with a single step. Today, you take that first step, and we’re here to stand by your side every step of the way,” he shared.

Meanwhile, Mr. Paulo Mallari (AAGP Marketing & Sales Executive) discussed AAG’s integrated training philosophy and support infrastructure, encompassing top-of-class technology, tools and know-how that AAG has acquired and invested in over the years.

In his closing remarks, Capt. Gaudencio Maniano (AICAT Accountable Manager) extended his gratitude to the cadets and their loved ones, assuring them of a top-of-class training experience designed to shape them into world-class aviation professionals ready to navigate the complexities of the ever-changing aviation industry.

The APP, which covers CPL-IR-ATPL Theory-A320 Type Rating, is a full-time cadetship program delivered jointly by AICAT and AAGP – the largest flight training Group in the country.

Source: Alpha Aviation Group
Photo Credit: Alpha Aviation Group

Alpha Aviation Group Philippines - Pilot Training

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