Pilot Careers Live to happen on November 6, 2021 at the Sofitel Hotel, T5 London Heathrow Airport

09th Sep 2021

Pilot Careers News has announced that it will resume the conduct of its annual Pilot Careers Live event.

This year’s event will be different however, with the show being split into two four-hour sessions, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, to allow for social distancing. Other Covid protective measures will also be in place meeting local and government guidelines.

There will also be a change of emphasis to recognise that the aviation industry is in a different place from before the pandemic struck.

This November’s Pilot Careers Live will concentrate on providing students and others considering a career as a professional pilot with the information they need to make an informed decision about the career and prospects, as well as the type of training right for them.

Pilot Careers Live in November will be an opportunity for anyone considering a pilot career to talk to the Approved Training Organisations (ATOs) and other pilots either currently undergoing training or recently graduated. Ask as many difficult questions as you like and make sure you understand fully what the career is like and the intense nature of the training.

Pilot Careers Live TV will also be broadcasting live throughout the event with interviews, studio guests and career information to a global audience. Content will be made available on catch-up post-event.

Among the early confirmed exhibitors and speakers is Ryanair, who will be giving a presentation.

Source: See Pilot Careers News Full Announcement Here.

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