Pilot Training Ground School Materials Provider Padpilot Announces Partnership with Spain’s World Aviation Flight Academy

28th Sep 2024

United Kingdom based pilot training educational material publisher Padpilot has announced a new partnership with World Aviation Flight Academy, a leading training provider with bases in Madrid, Malaga, and Girona. The academy, known for its academic excellence, offers a wide range of modular, flexible, and bilingual (Spanish and English) programs for both  airplane and helicopter pilots.

As part of the partnership, Padpilot will provide theoretical knowledge resources for World Aviation’s PPL (A) & (H) and ATPL (A) & (H) ground training programs.

Leonardo Otamendi, CTKI at World Aviation Flight Academy, shared his thoughts on the collaboration:

“The Padpilot platform is distinguished by its innovative approach and it’s ability to deliver highly visual and interactive content. This combination not only facilitates better understanding of complex concepts but also keeps students more engaged. After evaluating several options, we chose Padpilot because it offers a perfect balance between advanced technology and ease of use, making it the ideal tool to enhance training in the aeronautical industry.”

Source: Padpilot
Photo Credit: Padpilot

Padpilot - Pilot Training AFM.aero.jpg

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