Pilot Training Solutions Provider, Astrom Training Solutions, Announces B737 New Courseware

06th Apr 2023

Astrom Training Solutions is pleased to announce the release of its new CBT courseware for the Boeing 737 NG and MAX differences.

The B737 course includes rich 3D graphics to allow pilot engagement with cockpit controls and aircraft systems to create a dynamic training environment. 

Astrom’s course player reflects the most modern training system available, utilizing realistic 3D cockpit models and diagrams, clear and accurate design principles, and chapter summaries covering key knowledge points.

One of the most prominent advantages of the new B737 course is the built-in Adaptive Learning feature. With Adaptive Learning, the Astrom LMS recognizes where pilotsintraining will benefit from a deeper understanding of particular knowledge points and provides instant access to additional highly focused explanations and reference material. 

Astrom’s courseware can be customized to emphasize specific aircraft differences, including Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and can reflect airline-unique items such as branding. This modern courseware will create a unique learning experience for airline operations

Source: Astrom Training Solutions Press Release
Photo Credit: Astrom Training Solutions

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