Publisher of Pilot Training Ground School Materials, Padpilot, Announces Latest Partnership with Flight School in Denmark
Padpilot is delighted to announce Dansk Pilot Uddannelse as a new partner school, based at Aarhus, Denmark. Dansk Pilot Uddannelse is a new ATO founded on years of aviation experience. Its staff, instructors and examiners come from airline and military backgrounds and have more than 20 years’ experience in pilot training. Dansk Pilot Uddannelse offer private and commercial pilot training with a focus on Knowledge, Skills and Attitude, represented by the company logo.
“Our aim is to set a new training standard within our industry for how to educate commercial pilots. We come with massive experience within aviation training and know where the standards need to be. Therefore, we also chose Padpilot´s platform and materials as we want to get cutting edge training materials, fit for the high training standards we will set, “ said Accountable Manager, Ole Moldt Jensen.
About Padpilot
Padpilot delivers complete ground school solutions to ATOs, air forces and universities worldwide for a modern, holistic, relevant theory education during initial pilot training. Padpilot resources enable training organisations to deliver top exam results alongside career-focused preparation for professional aviation careers. With over 140 partner schools & 300,000 book downloads worldwide, together Padpilot is creating a new educational standard for ATPL theory.
Source: Padpilot announcement
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