Riyadh, Saudi Arabia based Flight School Tayaran is Seeking a Chief Flight Instructor in 2024

02nd Nov 2024

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia based aviation and flight training organisation the National Aviation Academy (Tayaran) is seeking a Chief Flight Instructor. Please see an extract of the job post below.

“The Chief Flight Instructor oversees all fixed-wing (airplane) training at The National Aviation Academy.


A. Hold a GACA commercial pilot certificate (with multi-engine and instrument ratings) or an ATP certificate, and, a current flight instructor certificate.

B. Flight experience:

1. At least 2 000 hours as PIC; and

2. Flight training experience, acquired as either a certificated flight instructor or an instructor in a military pilot flight training program, or a combination thereof, consisting of—

i. At least 3 years and a total of 1 000 flight hours; or

ii. At least 1 500 flight hours.

3. (At least 100 hours of flight time under actual or simulated instrument flight conditions;

4. Instrument flight instructor experience, acquired as either a certificated flight instructor or an instructor in a military pilot flight training program, or a combination thereof, consisting of—

iii. At least 2 years and a total of 250 flight hours; or

iv. At least 400 flight hours.


A. Responsible for instructor training and standardization

  • Ensure each CFI and ground instructor passes an initial proficiency check for each authorized aircraft.
  • Ensure each CFI and ground instructor passes an initial proficiency check for each authorized course.
  • For all aircraft and courses, complete a proficiency check every 12 months after the initial test was accomplished.
  • Document all training completed for these items.

B. Responsible for student training records

  • Ensure enrollment and graduation certificates are completed and stored.
  • Complete required 60-day audit of electronic records database.

C. Responsible for training procedures

  • Cooperates with the Training Manager in administering Student Counseling Reports when necessary.

D. Document owner for:

1. Training Manual

2. All fixed-wing TCOs

3. All fixed-wing Standardization Manuals

4. All fixed-wing aircraft checklists

E. Certify each student’s training record, graduation certificate, stage check and recommendation for course completion. The Chief Flight Instructor may assign these duties to the Assistant Chief Flight Instructor.

F. for the training course that instructor is to be assigned and recurrent . The Chief Flight Instructor may delegate authority for conducting flight proficiency checks to the Assistant Chief Instructor.

G. Ensure each student accomplishes the required stage checks and maintains standardized school procedures acceptable to GACA. The Chief Flight Instructor may delegate authority for conducting stage checks and end-of-course tests to the Assistant Chief Instructor or check instructor.

H. The Chief Flight Instructor or Assistant Chief Flight Instructor will be available at the school or available by telephone, radio or by email any time training is being given.

I. Conduct instructor performance evaluations, which include:

  • Monthly observation of each instructor to include one ground briefing and one flight lesson, at minimum.
  • Formal written review every six months.

J. Instructor Staff Management

  • Coordinates all instructor leave requests with the Training Manager to ensure proper coverage.”

For more information or to apply kindly contact Tayaran directly.

Source: Tayaran

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