South African Flight School Makes Statement Regarding US Government Action

14th Jun 2023

Test Flying Academy South Africa notes that the United States Department of Commerce has added TFASA to a list of entities subject to export administration regulations. – 13 June 2023

As a South African company, registered with the South African National Conventional Arms Control Committee (NCACC), and not reliant on US exports, this change does not affect TFASA’s day to day operations.

Nevertheless, TFASA is disappointed that the United States Department of Commerce has taken this step without consultation.

TFASA has operated with the full knowledge of NATO defence and security agencies for over a decade. Recent communications between the US Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Air Force Office of Special Investigation and the Society of Experimental Test Pilots indicate that TFASA has broken no laws. In addition, following our UK lawyers correspondence with the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) the MoD confirmed that ‘they do not believe that TFASA is engaged in activities which breach current UK law.’

TFASA will be contacting the United States Department of Commerce to clarify its position.

TFASA has strict protocols and a Code of Conduct in place that are designed to prevent any TFASA employee sharing any information or training that is, or might be considered to be, legally or operationally sensitive, or security classified.

All of TFASA’s training materials are either open source documents, or provided directly by TFASA’s clients.

TFASA is, and always has been, in full compliance with the laws of South Africa, and every other jurisdiction in which it operates.

TFASA highlights that the training it provides is also available from other civilian contractors including organisations based in the United States of America, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, and European jurisdictions.

Source: TFASA

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