Spanish Flight School Aerodynamics Academy Adds New Flight Simulator

22nd May 2023

One of the largest pilot training organisations in Spain, Aerodynamics Academy announced it has installed a new AL250 which has the latest EASA CS-FSTD standards to be reconfigurable from analog to digital instrumentation. It offers a wide range of SEP Analog & Glass, SEP Complex Analog & Glass (VPRU) and MEP Analog & Glass flight models. Similarly, it is approved for PBN APCH – LNAV, LNAV/VNAV & LPV. In addition, with its incredible navigation database, Aerodynamics’ students could train for various scenarios and adapt to different flight conditions being this very useful for the progress of their training and skill development.

Source: Aerodynamics Academy Announcement
Photo Credit: Aerodynamics Academy (shown as meta image)

Aerodynamics Academy - Pilot Training

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