Spanish Flight School, World Aviation Flight Academy, Celebrates Women’s Day at its Facilities with the Event “Aviadoras”

28th Mar 2023

The programme, organized by SEPLA, has honored the women who led the way in the world of aviation.

“Aviadoras”, the Sepla initiative, has celebrated Women’s Day in Aviation with an event held on Sunday March 12 at the World Aviation facilities at the Cuatro Vientos airport (Madrid). The event commemorated the women who led the way in the world of aviation. Subsequently, four aviators have shared their experiences as commercial pilots.

The event included the intervention of the director of the State Aviation Safety Agency (AESA), Montserrat Mestres,  the deputy director of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC), Verónica Elvira,  the director of  “Aviadoras”, Mar Alguacil, and the president of  Sepla, Óscar Sanguino.

The event has served, as  Mar Alguacil points out,  “to vindicate the inspiring trajectory of the pioneers of aviation and their legacy in the history of aviation.” For the Airbus 330 commander, “it is essential  to make the first female pilots visible, as well as all the pilots who have taken their baton from her, demonstrating that dreams come true.”  In addition, this act has sought to “inspire the new generations so that female talent approaches this exciting profession.”

During the event, the popularizer Darío Pozo remembered the international pioneers of aviation, Amelia Earhart and Bessie Coleman; as well as the nationals, Pepa Colomer and María Bernaldo de Quirós. For Pozo, these pilots were an example of perseverance in pursuing their dreams: “neither the storms nor prejudices could with them, they risked everything and touched the sky”.

Subsequently, a colloquium was held in which four pilots shared their professional experiences at the controls of an airplane, moderated by  Bettina Kadner, the first woman to fly a passenger plane in Spain and Europe; as well as the first female commander in Spain.

For his part, the president of  Sepla, Óscar Sanguino, pointed out that “with this act today, we have united the past, present and future of women in aviation,” thanking Aviadoras “for their commitment to the profession that will serve as a source of inspiration for girls to dream of the most wonderful profession that exists: being a pilot”.

The event ended with a raffle for two aerial baptisms and activities for the whole family, including flight tests at the World Aviation simulation center.

Source: World Aviation Flight Academy announcement (translated from Spanish to English)
Photo Credit: World Aviation Flight Academy (shown as meta image)

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