Train-By-Wire Delivers its First Virtual Airbus A320ceo Training Solution at the Dubai Airshow 2023
The Dubai Airshow marks the delivery of Train-By-Wire’s (TBW) first virtual Airbus A320ceo. The partnership between Takeoff Trim LLC and Train-By-Wire (TBW) aims to consolidate their position in developing cutting-edge virtual reality brochures, presentations, and e-learning modules. One can experience these innovative solutions through various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and VR headsets.
The venture between Takeoff Trim LLC and Train-By-Wire (TBW) promises to revolutionise the way to deliver information in aviation and other industries.
Train-By-Wire (TBW), a member of AED Cluster Portugal, is an innovative training organisation and aviation consultancy headquartered in Lisbon, Portugal, with additional bases in Brussels, Madrid, and Paris.
Train-By-Wire (TBW) is also set to launch its new 2024 website.
Source: Train-By-Wire (TBW)
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