Training Aircraft Manufacturer Elixir Aircraft Delivers Aircraft to Loire Atlantique Air Club in September 2024
Elixir Aircraft, a fast-growing training aircraft manufacturer headquartered in La Rochelle, France, has delivered an aircraft to Loire Atlantique Air Club in September 2024. Elixir Aircraft announced that it has delivered more than 27 aircraft with the objective to deliver one aircraft per week by the end of the year, Elixir Aircraft continues the ramp up of production in order to meet demand, which consist of over 200 orders and pre-orders.
To speed up deliveries, Elixir’s second site in La Rochelle is now opened in the city of Aytré for the production of OneShot composite parts. Elixir Aircraft now has 3 sites in Europe and America.
Source: Elixir Aircraft
Photo Credit: Elixir Aircraft
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