UK based FTA Global gets approval to issue both UK CAA and EASA License

05th Jul 2021

Taking advantage of its strategic location on the south coast of the UK, FTA Global is able to conduct the Instrument Rating Flying in European airspace.

Flying Time Aviation (FTA) Global in its press release on July 5, announced the following quoted as follows: “All those that enrol on FTA’s 2021 Flight Deck Programme will have the option to complete training for either a CAA licence, an EASA licence, or both, all included in the standard course fee.

The company secured the necessary approvals earlier over a year ago – and subsequently position themselves as one of the only UK-based institutions to offer this option.

Head of Training, Phil Jones explains: ‘It was a challenge staying ahead of Brexit and ensuring the correct paperwork and approvals were in place. All our training partners (Jet Masterclass and Flight Performance Training) have done the same, and we are proud to offer the best training programme the UK has to offer.’

Those that want to complete both a CAA and EASA licence will need to sit ATPL exams at both the CAA and EASA exams centres as well as an additional IR skill test. This is because the EASA regulations state that the Instrument Rating (IR) skill test must be conducted in EU airspace. FTA’s proximity to France means that not only the IR skill test, but also acclimatisation flights can be conducted in the continent.

The company are also offering the same cohort of 2021 students, the ability to renew their MEP and IR rating at half the usual price. Sean Jacob explains “Students are at the centre of everything we do and that includes our alumni. Offering the ability to protect their investment at a discounted price was a natural decision.”

The company upgraded their Flight Deck Programme for 2021, extending ground school to nine months, including computer-based training, uniform, first attempts at exams an iPad and David Clarke headset. There are two further start dates for 2021 in September and December. Those interested in September are encouraged to sign up this month, so that they’re able to access the introductory modules of the Padpilot content 3 months in advance!

Those that wish to complete a dual licence will need to possess a CAA and EASA aeromedical. Aspiring pilots can complete such aeromedicals at Centreline Aviation Medical Services, based in London. ”

Source: See FTA Global Press Release here.

For more information, kindly contact FTA Global.

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