US Airline Pilot Union President Speaks Before Government, Asks for Federal Support for Aspiring Aviators

02nd Mar 2023

The United States based Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) President Capt. Jason Ambrosi advocated for federal support for aspiring aviators including federal loans for flight training, so pilots have the same opportunities for education as other professions.

“We absolutely believe in a more diverse workforce. There are hurdles to entry based on expense. It’s very expensive to become an airline pilot. It’s a great profession. Fortunately, we’ve negotiated some excellent contracts and the regionals are starting to pay more,” said Capt. Ambrosi. “We absolutely support federal legislation to put student loans, our profession in line with other professions that allow student loans to become an airline pilot thereby bringing more in from communities we serve and a more diverse workforce.”

Source: ALPA

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