US Aviation Regulator, FAA, Approves Electric Training Aircraft eFlyer2 Certification Means of Compliance

03rd Feb 2023

Bye Aerospace, a pioneer in electric aviation, has reached FAA Approval of its G-2 “Means of Compliance for Certification” issue paper, a major milestone in the certification process of its 2-seat, all-electric eFlyer 2 aircraft, which is all-new and purposely designed with electric propulsion.

The Means of Compliance for Certification was divided into 16 specific certification plans covering all systems, subsystems, and procedures. All 16 certification plans have been accepted by the FAA. This represents the first such approval in the general aviation industry, worldwide, by the FAA under Amendment 64 of FAR 23 for a Level 1 all-electric aircraft.

George E. Bye, CEO, said, “With this major milestone approved, Bye Aerospace is now poised to enter the testing and compliance demonstration phase of the certification, including the fabrication of eFlyer 2 serial #001, and several production conforming aircraft. We remain on course to have the world’s first Part 23 Amendment 64 FAA certified fixed wing aircraft.
Bye Aerospace received FAA approval of its G-1 (Certification Basis) issue paper August 31, 2020.

Bye Aerospace previously applied for the eFlyer 2 Type Certificate in April 2018 for FAA certification under FAR Part 23 as the first in the world “Level 1”, normal category, all-new design, all-electric aircraft to be certified under the new Amendment 64 rules.

John Knudsen, General Counsel, said, “This major milestone is only possible because of the close collaboration and pioneering effort with the FAA. Our thanks to the FAA leadership and certification team as well as the many Designated Engineering Representatives that made this possible.”

The G-2 Issue Paper documents the accepted means of compliance to the FAA certification basis established for the Bye Aerospace eFlyer 2 aircraft (Project No. TC09549CH-A). The eFlyer 2 has been found to be eligible for a type certificate, as the applicant has proposed, and the FAA has found the type design complies with the U.S. type certification basis. In addition, the FAA has determined that no feature or characteristic of the eFlyer 2 aircraft makes it unsafe for the category in which certification is requested.

About Bye Aerospace

Bye Aerospace has developed and is in the process of FAA certifying a family of zero-emission, electric aircraft. Based on over two years flight test with its eFlyer developmental prototype, the eFlyer family of aircraft are expected to have one-fifth the operating cost of traditional airplanes. As a pioneer in electric aviation, Bye Aerospace has established itself as a leader with a production backlog of $1.1B if fully realized. Based in Denver, Colo., Bye Aerospace was founded by George E. Bye, who is Chairman and CEO.

Source: Bye Aerospace Press Release
Photo Credit: Bye Aerospace (shown as meta image)

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