US Flight School, San Carlos Flight Center, is Looking for Certified Flight Instructors
Californian Flight School, San Carlos Flight Center, is looking to hire flight instructors. Please see a job extract below.
“Characteristics of CFIs that excel at SCFC include:
- Easy to work with, good personality, professional in look and demeanor
- Extremely knowledgeable about the aircraft systems, POHs, operating characteristics, regulations, etc.
- Highly competent ground instructors who can explain complex concepts simply
- Passionate flight instructors who hold students to incredibly high standards
- Enthusiastic about sharing flying with others
- Good public speakers who can deliver dynamic safety seminars, and participate in other club events
- Able to help create homework assignments, maneuver guides, and other training materials to contribute to shared knowledge
- Interested in flight instruction as a profession, and passionate about effective flight instruction
- Looking for a place to call home for the next year or two.
Note: SCFC don’t have a minimum hours requirement. Their hiring minimums are tied to knowledge, skills, and personality.”
To learn more about the job and to apply, click here.
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