US Flight School Thrust Flight Welcomes Students from Partner High School

15th Aug 2023

Texas, United States based flight training group Thrust Flight, a leading provider of innovative aviation training programs, welcomed to class around 20 students at Rising Aviation High School.

In May, Thrust Flight announced a groundbreaking partnership with Rising Aviation High School. This collaboration aims to provide comprehensive flight training for students, paving the way for a new generation of skilled, knowledgeable, and capable pilots.

Starting in their junior year, students will have the unique opportunity to undergo flight training with Thrust Flight’s experienced instructors. By integrating flight training into the high school curriculum, Rising Aviation High School can better equip its students for future success in the aviation industry.

Upon graduation, these young aviators will be eligible to enroll in Thrust Flight’s prestigious Zero Time to Airline program. This accelerated training course offers unparalleled access to the resources, mentorship, and experiences needed to help aspiring pilots launch successful careers with major airlines.

Source: Thrust Flight
Photo Credit: Thrust Flight

Thrust Flight - Pilot Training

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