US Flight Training Group Hillsboro Aero Academy to Hold December 2024 Event in Berlin, Germany

07th Dec 2024

Oregon, United States based Hillsboro Aero Academy (HAA), a U.S.-based leading provider of helicopter and airplane pilot career training, shared that it will host a live seminar in Berlin, Germany on the 15th of December. The event will showcase the Academy’s unique Joint EASA/FAA training program, which offers students the opportunity to train in the United States and earn dual certification.

In August 2023 HAA together with Austrian-based training organization RotorSky, received approval to conduct professional airplane pilot training in accordance with European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) regulations. The school launched its successful joint FAA/EASA helicopter program in 2020; with the approval for airplane training, HAA is the only flight school in the U.S. with comprehensive EASA certification for both airplane and helicopter pilots.

With the EASA approval, HAA is able to offer students the opportunity to earn both FAA and EASA professional pilot licenses and ratings in one location, under one program. Program graduates will be prepared to pursue airline pilot employment across the globe. Combined with the school’s F-1 visa status, the program enables European students to continue building the flight hours they need and gain valuable experience as Certified Flight Instructors (CFI) while residing in the U.S. for up to 23 months after program completion.

All flight training takes place at HAA’s Hillsboro, OR campus. Students in the program will complete all ratings in HAA’s Professional Pilot Program (including the Certified Flight Instructor Instrument and Multi-Engine Instructor ratings), the EASA Commercial (CPL), EASA Multi-Engine Piston Instrument Rating (MEP IR), as well as full credit towards EASA Airline Transport Pilot (ATPL) Theory. A graduate from this program will be ready to fly commercially in the U.S. and will need only to complete the Multi- Crew Cooperation training (MCC) and the respective type-rating to fly line-service in Europe and all other EASA license-accepting countries worldwide.

In April 2024 training aircraft manufacturer Piper Aircraft, Inc. announced the purchase of five Archer TX and five Pilot 100i aircraft for Hillsboro Aero Academy, a global leader in airplane and helicopter pilot training. The first delivery of these aircraft is scheduled for early 2027.

Source: Hillsboro Aero Academy

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