Visual Simulation Systems Developer, Quantum3D, Expands its Airport Library with Middle East CDB Level D Airports

09th Nov 2022

Quantum3D Inc., based in Silicon Valley, CA and Orlando, FL, is a leading developer and manufacturer of real-time visual simulation systems and has added new Level D airports to its database library.

Quantum3D’s database development team has been working on adding more Level D airports to its library. King Khalid Air Base (OEKM), King Abdulaziz Air Base (OEDR), and Taif International Airport (OETF) in Saudi Arabia are some of the new Level D airports added to the database library recently. These new realistic airfields have been developed using 50 cm high-resolution imagery in common database (CDB) format. They contain several detailed geo-specific buildings which are surrounded by geo-typical buildings and other cultural features.

Quantum3D’s already existing strong Middle East footprint has been strengthened by these new additions of high-fidelity airport models. This is another reason for commercial and military Flight Simulator manufacturers to choose award-winning visual simulation software MANTIS for customers in Saudi Arabia and other countries.

Quantum3D has been offering Level D airport development, custom 3D modeling, and worldwide terrain database development services along with an existing library of thousands of 3D models and 30,000 airfield models. Customers can purchase readily available 3D models of their choice, or Quantum3D’s experienced database development team can build any type of aircraft or airport models with desired resolution (high fidelity Level D, Enhanced, generic).

Quantum3D provides a capability demonstration of Level D airport development, enhanced airport development, terrain development, and custom 3D modeling development, and more.

About Quantum3D

Quantum3D, Inc. is a leading developer and provider of simulation and training products, as well as the technology that drives them. This Silicon Valley company serves a wide range of training markets, including flight simulation, land and other vehicle training, and maintenance training.

Source: Quantum3D Press Release
Photo Credit: Quantum3D

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